What's the big deal about balance and what does a balanced lifestyle mean to you?
It varies from person to person. And within each persons life, too. Let's start by looking at what the word actually means.
I looked it up. Along with weights and measures, there's this:
Balance = A means of judging or deciding
I liked that. What it tells me is that achieving some balance isn't impossible, and that it depends largely on the decisions we make regarding exercise, diet, and other things that are in control. We truly have the ability to change one of these parts, or components, if something isn't working.
Oh, yes, components.
Chiropractors have been talking about the components of a healthy (balanced!) lifestyle for around 100 years. We call it the "Triad of Health."
We break it down into the following three parts.
1) Structural - physical components, such as the spinal column, joints (This is the Body)
2) Emotional - or Spiritual (This is the Mind|)
3) Chemical - or Nutrition
That covers it, if you think about it. And they're all interconnected. If one is ailing, the effects will show up in the other two.
So, when I'm evaluating a patient, whether it's their first visit or fiftieth, or just listening to their concerns, I keep all of those in mind.
Because you have to keep it in balance.
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