Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hamburger Stuffing? Really?!

I've decided it was time I wrote a light-hearted post. Enough of the information-heavy articles for a while. It's holiday time, right?

For me that means it's time to start getting out the recipes to figure out what I'm baking and sending off to far-away loved ones.

So, I'm cruising the Sunday newspaper coupon inserts a couple of weeks ago looking for coupons, and there it was....a full page ad with a recipe that read:

"A New Tradition 90 Years in the Making!"

Wow! 90 Years? What could that be? Sounds intriguing, right? Then, I read on. The recipe was for stuffing. And the NEW ingredients?                            
10 Hamburgers
No pickles

Woah!! What the heck!? Really, I thought it was a joke.

I mean, stuffing isn't difficult to make. Bread crumbs, onions, broth/butter (yes please butter) herbs and spices. And nuts if you like, maybe sausage.

But hamburger from a fast food joint?

Here's the rest of the recipe I know of for stuffing:
 1 1/2 cups of celery, diced
1 1/4 tsp. ground thyme
1 1/2 ground sage
3/4 tsp. coarse ground pepper
1/4 chicken broth

Looks like it would be pretty dry to me. And bland. Anyone out there care to try it and let me know how it turned out?

I know this a short blog, but this recipe really bugged me. I mean, hamburgers? How gross? Let me know what you think.

Yours in health,

Dr. Jeanne

P: 612.259.7323

Follow Boulevard Natural Healing Arts, P.A. on Facebook!

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