Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tips To Avoid Harmful BPA Exposure At Home

This week's post will be much shorter and easier to read, I promise. If you read last week's blog post, you know how dangerous exposure to BPAs are; and you also know that BPAs are in a TON of everyday items. 

So, here's my list of tips to Avoid BPA Exposure At Home.

I hope you find it helpful!

1) Food and beverage containers are the biggest source of BPA exposure. DO NOT store food in plastics that are labeled with a "7" (that little triangle on the bottom of the container that has a number in the middle).

FYI, most of the plastic sold out there in retail outlets for this purpose is labeled "5", which has NO BPAs. Also safe in this regard are numbers "2" and "4."

2) When requesting a "doggie bag," check to see if there is a number on the bottom (if it's a plastic container.) If it happens to be a "7," ask the waiter to line it with aluminum foil before the food is placed in it. I know, aluminum has it's own problems, but the BPA risk trumps it, in my opinion.

3) This one is commonly known. Do not heat food in a microwave oven using plastic containers. We don't know all of the risks involved with heating plastics, so it's just better to be safe than sorry. Personally, we don't have a microwave!

4) Throw out any battered, scratched or dented plastic containers, especially ones used for food and beverages storage. Just toss it. As number "3" above states, we may not know all of the risks. Just saying...

5) If you use canned foods regularly, switch to a company that stopped using BPA in 1999: Eden Foods. Organics cost more, but it's worth the extra cost. And Eden Foods isn’t necessarily making any more money - using a plant-sourced resin costs Eden Foods 14% more to produce. (And no, we don't own stock in the company.)

6) Especially for parents of bottle-feeding infants: Use powder formula. In the September/October 2010 issue of Mother Jones Magazine, liquid formula was cited as having one of the highest levels on BPA. Developing infants are highly susceptible to damage. You might want to check out the article for more information.

Hope you find this information empowering and enlightening! Share it with your loved ones!

Next week, I'll sort out the facts on a recent multi-vitamin study.

Healthy Eating and Healthy Living! 

Dr. Jeanne
Office: 612.259.7323  

Follow Boulevard Natural Healing Arts, P.A. on Facebook!

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