Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome to our Blog!


Welcome to the new blog of Boulevard Natural Healing Arts.

I hope you enjoy my take on timely health issues. I will attempt to be educational, informative and interesting. And, I'll even throw in some humor now and then. Being a doctor, sitting in my office, looking over patient files, worrying about how they're doing... I need to do something different! I need some extra fun!

As a Chiropractor, you can imagine I treat a lot of people with pain in one or many joints: neck, back wrist, knee, hip... the list goes on and on. That's very rewarding, as the results are usually reasonably quick and the next time someone needs my help, they just call me up and say, "Fix me doc!"

The more challenging cases are when the care of a patient involves lifestyle changes. That's why I feel this blog will be a great resource, because I can reach more people and share my expertise in hopes that the people reading this will gain knowledge for themselves to live healthier lives. (FYI: I won't give any advice other than the most general recommendations, as there is no doctor-patient relationship present. Thought I should get that out of the way. :)

I should warn you that I have been practicing as a licensed Chiropractor for 21+ years. I say that tongue-in-cheek because as a group, Chiropractors are  kind of "different." We all have an individual way of doing things, but we all practice what is called "alternative health care" in some form or another.

And so it begins!

In Good Health,

Dr. Jeanne

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